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DIY kit for Sananga eye drops (root + dropper bottle)

 23.90 159.00 incl. VAT

DIY set for making Sananga

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Sananga is a powerful Amazonian medicine. A plant Tabernaemontana undulata from the Apocynaceae family, which grows deep in the Brazilian rainforest, whose original name is Mata Heins. The name comes from the Huni Kuin dialect of the Kaxinawá Indians. It is a shrub whose juice is used by Indians of the Kaxinawá, Katukina and other tribes. The juice is extracted by boiling the root and was originally used to treat the so-called Panemas – spiritual diseases.

The active ingredient is ibogaine, a very powerful substance, the ingestion of which can induce deep relaxation states, allowing the Indians to get in touch with the spiritual worlds. However, in traditional medicine, Sananga is used as eye drops. Native American warriors put a drop in each eye before going out hunting to sharpen their vision and allow them to perceive subtle movements in the dense forest.

Sananga basically works on two main energy planes – physical and spiritual. The Indians believe that the “Spirit of Sananga”, which is the energy, intelligence, analogy of the active ingredient of this powerful plant, acts directly on the root cause of the disease.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. Everything we see and everything we project is stored in the eyes, including our karmic history. The Spirit of Sananga searches the system for energy patterns that are out of balance and dissolves the forces that make up Panemas. The use of Sananga leads to the alignment of the soul in harmony with the spiritual force of nature, the expansion of the power of spiritual vision (third eye), inner vision.

These drops support deep cleansing of blocked energies on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. Sananga can balance or amplify our energies, finding and harmonizing the roots of illness and blockages, leading to complete balance, focus and peace of mind. It removes negative energies, opens the third eye and the heart chakra, harmonizes, expands the connection to the spiritual spheres, decalcifies and activates the pineal gland.

Shamans describe Panemas as a conglomerate of lower energies present in a person’s energy body due to a sedentary lifestyle full of negative thinking and inappropriate habits that are harmful to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of the individual. These low energies are stored in the energy body and cause sadness, depression and physical and mental stress and prevent us from having harmonious relationships, being successful and achieving our life goals.

Through Sananga, this energy charge is automatically eliminated. It’s like a gentle energy shock, leaving you feeling happy, energized and able to achieve your goals after application.

Country of origin



  • 5 g of crushed Sananga root + 1 empty 10 ml dropper bottle, from 5 g you can brew about 25 ml of strong Sananga drops (or several weaker ones)
  • 10 g of crushed Sananga root + 1 empty 10 ml dropper bottle, 10 g can be used to make approx. 50 ml of strong Sananga drops (or several weaker ones)
  • 25 g of crushed Sananga root + 2 empty 10 ml dropper bottles, from 25 g you can brew about 100 ml of strong Sananga drops (or several weaker ones)
  • 50 g of crushed Sananga root + 4 empty 10 ml dropper bottles, 50 g can be used to make approx. 200 ml of strong Sananga drops (or several weaker ones)

You can find the recipe here.

You should only cook as much as you need at the moment. You should only work with one portion at a time, otherwise you will not have enough bottles for all your Sananga. Drop bottle is meant for repeated usage.

Please note: Sananga should be stored refrigerated and expire in about 3 months (if you kept good hygiene).

You can find more information about Sananga at the product page of our ready-made Sananga drops here.

Good luck! 🙂

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