Sacred Plant Medicines
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Showing all 29 results
Taste this rapé with a small sample
Green rapé without tobacco from the Apurinã Indians living on the banks of the Purus River in Brazil.
New Rapé blend since autumn 2022!
Very rare and unique strong rapé traditionally used on religious occasions, with ashes from the Jatoba tree
A very unique rapé from the Katukina tribe from Brazil.
New Rapé blend since January 2023!
New Rapé blend since spring 2023!
A unique deliciously strong rape blend that is prepared by soaking tobacco in Ayahuasca medicine.
Amazing rapé blend, one of the best and strongest rape we’ve ever tasted.
Rapé Parika is one of the stronger blends made by the natives of the Nukini tribe in the Acre district in Brazil.
Sansara, also known as samsara, is a plant designed to awaken beauty and love in our lives.
This rapé is one of the strongest we have on offer, you can probably feel a few “orgasmic waves of” beautiful “cocoa love”.