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Sacred Plant Medicines

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Blue lotus (Nymphaea caerula)

Blue lotus (blue water lily, blue Egyptian lotus, sacred blue lily) is one and the same plant, which has the botanical name Nymphaea caerula and is from the Nymphaeaceae family. It is an ancient sacred plant known as far back as ancient Egypt. The light blue flowers of the blue lotus were a sought-after ingredient in perfumes, and were also used for the relaxation and enhanced states of consciousness they induce.

The ancient Egyptians used the blue water lily as a medicine for a number of ailments, but it was also used for its hallucinogenic effects. It contains psychotropic apomorphine.

Blue water lily contains two alkaloids apomorphine and nuciferine. Thanks to them, it is often compared to morphine. Blue water lily has a rather psychoactive effect on the human body. It gives a feeling of euphoria and calmness, users sometimes liken the state after taking blue lotus to the state of “shallowness” after using marijuana (THC).

The effects of Blue Lotus are narcotic and euphoric, with higher doses mild hallucinations (“lucid dreaming”) may occur. It is also an excellent sexual stimulant.


5 grams per person is enough to make an infusion, pour hot water and steep for 10-15 minutes.

For a traditional Egyptian euphoric drink, soak blue lotus flowers in a bottle of wine for a few hours, use about 5 grams per bottle. Do not exceed the recommended dosage, blue lotus makes the wine bitter and difficult to drink.

Get Blue lotus at Pachamama Herbs!

Blue lotus extracts

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