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Kola Nut (Cola acuminata), ground kernels
€ 3.20 – € 10.00 incl. VAT
Natural stimulant for body and mind. Natural helper for weight loss.
Cola acuminata is a thin tree reaching a height of up to 20 meters. With a bushy and massive tree tops, it resembles a horse chestnut. The leaves are oval, leathery on both sides, up to 20 cm long and 5-7 cm wide. The blade is curly and wavy, the petiole of the leaves is several centimeters long. The flowers are single or bisexual, white, grouped into a racemose inflorescence. The fruit of Cola acuminata is an elongated bladder up to 20 cm long. Young bladders are usually folded into a spherical formation of five and mature ones are brownish. The inside is bitter.
History and distribution
To this day, cola seeds are used as a currency in some parts of Africa. Muslims consider kola seeds sacred and behave accordingly. Cola acuminata is native to Central and West Africa, where its homelands are deep rainforests. Today, it is cultivated in Nigeria, Sudan and the Americas, where tree cultivation is most successful in Mexico, Jamaica and Brazil. It is also found in South Asia and the tropical regions of India.
Kola seeds were used commercially as early as the 19th century, when John Pemberton came to the market with a wine drink containing extracts of the coca plant and the cola nitida – a relative to cola acuminata. During the American Prohibition era, baking soda was added to the drink and a new drink called Coca-Cola, was created. Another important milestone in the history of Kola was the production an energy chocolate bar called Scho-ka-kola in Germany, which began in 1935 and is still in production today.
Important uses
Cola genus has gained the greatest importance in the pharmaceutical industry, where it is used in the production of stimulants (Kola wine, tablets, capsules, …). In the food industry, it is used to make refreshing drinks. In the traditional African medicine, it is sought after for its stimulating effect and to treat depressions. In West Africa, Kola nuts are prescribed for erectile dysfunction and mental problems (depression, anxiety, frustration, …). These fruits can be roasted, chewed or added to various beverages such as tea, milk or coffee. The stimulating effect of the cola genus is also sought after all over the world.
The fruits contain about 2 – 3% of caffeine and other associated alkaloids, which support the effect of caffeine itself. It has the desired stimulating effect, acts as a diuretic (ie it helps to form and excrete urine, so it is advisable to follow a drinking regime) and increases short-term alertness and stimulates the nervous system. The tannins are most involved in alleviating diarrhea and intestinal problems, because they work similarly to disinfection.
Due to its starch content, it is suitable for quenching the feeling of thirst. It slightly stimulates the central nervous system. In traditional African medicine, Kola nuts have been (and still are) recommended to control thirst, hunger, and pain. It is true that many modern combined analgesics contain caffeine to obtain an enhanced effect and improve the pharmacokinetic properties of a medicine (onset of action, absorption, …).
Používal se k navrácení ztracené vitality, chutě do života, při únavě jakéhokoliv charakteru a také jako afrodiziakum. Účinné látky kolovníku v popředí s vysokým obsahem kofeinu se ve zmíněné míře a koncentraci sledují pro zvýšený účinek při získávání kontroly nad obezitou a poruchami příjmu potravy. U samotného kofeinu se zdá, že zvyšuje srdeční frekvenci a tím energetické spalování tukových zásob, čímž se v kombinaci (nejlépe s pohybem) může docílit snížení nadváhy nebo zvýšené tělesné hmotnosti.
It was used to restore lost vitality, zest for life, fatigue of any kind and also as an aphrodisiac. The active ingredients of cola together with high caffeine content are researched to provide an increased effect of medication in treating of obesity and eating disorders. Caffeine alone appears to increase the heart rate and thus helps with burning fat, which in combination with exercise (and other) can lead to weight loss.
Cola acuminata is usually sold in powder form. The recommended dosage is 2 – 6 grams, preferably mixed into a drink (warm or room temperature). This dosege should not be exceeded due to the risk of insomnia and restlessness. Due to the high caffeine content, cola acuminata should not be used by pregnant, breastfeeding women or children.
This product is an ethnobotanical specimen.
It is not approved as a nutritional supplement, nutritive or a drug. We are not responsible for the damage caused by the irresponsible use.
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