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Sacred Plant Medicines

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Rapé Blend Katukina Chacruna from Brazil, bottle 5 g

 14.20 incl. VAT

A very unique rapé from the Katukina tribe from Brazil.


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A very unique rapé from the Katukina tribe from Brazil.

This mixture is made from the powder of Chacruna leaves (Psychotria viridis) added to the ash of the Mulateiro tree and tobacco. The Katukina and Shawandawa tribes have been creating these Rapé blends for centuries.

Psychotria viridis (Chacruna) is known because it is often added to a medicine called “Ayahuasca”. However, even without the Ayahuasca vine, it has interesting therapeutic effects, however in combination with tobacco it does not contain the active ingredient DMT.

Mulateiro (botanically Calycophyllum spruceanum). The Mulateiro tree can grow up to 30 meters tall. During the summer months, it produces an abundance of white, aromatic flowers, which form oblong fruits – pods with 3-5 seeds inside. The tree sheds its own bark to prevent infestation by fungi, epiphytes and vines. The smooth green bark is kind of like a sunburned person. The older the tree, the more its bark will be unpeeled. Fruiting between July and November, the seeds are dispersed by wind and water.

This rapé is very energetic, you can smell the vine. Very suitable for sharing and ceremonies, it gives a feeling of liberation and freshness.

Medicine also helps align with our higher self and anchors us in the body.

Katukina tribe

The Katukina tribe is an indigenous group that inhabits the southwestern Brazilian state of Acre. They are the traditional bearers of rapé knowledge in the Brazilian Amazon. The people of Katukina are called “People of the Sky, People of the Sun and People of the Otter”. When the people of Katukina share their rapé, there is an opportunity to communicate with a higher level. They believe that heavenly spirits descend behind them to oversee the songs, dances and realities of the earthly world.


bottle with 5 grams of prepared rapé mixture


A sample is also available for this rapé, you can find it here. All available rapé samples are here.

Country of origin

Brazil, Katukina tribe

The conscious use – ritual

Rapé is a sacred amazonian tool. The native tribes are passing it to us with a following message: “The use of rapé should always be connected with a prayer or the ritual. It should be given or received with respect and humility. It helps greatly to come up with a clear intention.  The effects and the realization of the intention tends to get stronger. It is important to keep the purity of the space and heart.”

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